The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) claimed the electoral victory on Saturday in four states of India, calling it "historic mandate" that would take the country's politics in a new direction.
Amit Shah leader BJP said the party would form the government in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, where early counting showed it had won an overwhelming victory, as well as in Goa, Uttarakhand and Manipur.
"This is a historical mandate of the people of these states for the BJP," he said in a press conference at the party headquarters in New Delhi.
“These results will set Indian politics in a new direction.” It is expected that the Indian Electoral Commission will announce the final results later Saturday, but the initial count shows that the BJP is leading in four of the five states where elections in the past two months have been carried out.
The opposition party, Congress retained power in the state of Northern Punjab.
Shah said the results were a defeat for "dynastic politics" in an apparent jibe at Congress, led by Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul.
"People have accepted the politics of performance," he said, promising that the faith they had placed in the party and in Prime Minister Modi would be rewarded.
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