Find answers to the Multiple alternative queries (MCQs) at the bottom of the page.
1. Neil. A. Armstrong visited the moon July 16, 1969, and remained there for 21 hours and 36 minutes. Name of manned spacecraft that took him to the mission.
- (A) U.S. Gemini 12
- (B) USSR Soyuz 5
- (C) U.S. Apollo 11
- (D) U.S. Apollo 9
2. 'Early Bird' was the first operational communication satellite launched into the Earth's orbit by NASA. When was it launched?
- (A) 1920
- (B) 1965
- (C) 1945
- (D) 1975
3. Comets are bodies that move around the sun, most of them in highly elliptic orbits. Name the famous comet which visited our Earth in 1986 and will return in the year 2062.
- (A) Pons-brooks
- (B) Halley
- (C) Crommelin
- (D) Neujmin I.
4. Over the next two decades, NASA plans to launch more than two dozens satellites for its "Mission to Planet Earth". The eyes in the sky will collect information about clouds; ocean circulation, ice and pollution, helping scientists refine their predictions of globe warming. What does NASA stand, for?
- (A) Nuclear Atlantic Supervisory Agency
- (B) Nuclear Agency and Space Administration
- (C) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- (D) None of them
5. How much time the light takes to reach from the sun to the Earth?
- (A) Four minutes and 30 seconds
- (B) Eight minutes and 15 seconds
- (C) Seven minutes and 15 seconds
- (D) Six minutes and 30 seconds
6. Astronomical unit is a bigger unit of distance and it is used to measure distances between the heavenly bodies of the solar system. One astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers?
- (A) 50 million Km
- (B) 100 million Km
- (C) 150 million Km
- (D) One million Km
7. Light year is still even a bigger unit of distance. It is defined as the distance traveled by light in one year. This unit is used to measure distances between the galaxies. How much is one light year approximately equal to:
- (A) One hundred million Km
- (B) Ten million Km
- (C) Ten thousand million Km
- (D) Ten million million Km
8. How many stars are present in our Milky Way galaxy?
- (A) 1011
- (B) 102
- (C) 105
- (D) 103
9. What is the shape of our Milky Way galaxy?
- (A) Irregular
- (B) Spiral
- (C) Elliptic
- (D) Rectangular
10. The celebrated rings of giant Saturn are composed of thousands of rippling, spiraling bands from 6 to 60 miles in width. Which other planet of our solar system also has rings?
- (A) Venus
- (B) Mercury
- (C) Neptune
- (D) Jupiter
11. Name the brightest planet of our solar system.
- (A) Jupiter
- (B) Venus
- (C) Mars
- (D) Mercury
12. Name the smallest planet of our solar system.
- (A) Jupiter
- (B) Venus
- (C) Mars
- (D) Mercury
13. Space Shuttle Challenger (on Mission 51-L) exploded into fireball in which seven space heroes were burnt to ashes. The explosion of fuel in the external tank destroyed the spacecraft 70 seconds after the lift-off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. When did this tragic incident occur?
- (A) December 28, 1986.
- (B) January 28, 1986.
- (C) December 28, 1985.
- (D) February 28. 1985.
14. Name the largest planet of our solar system.
- (A) Saturn
- (B) Jupiter
- (C) Venus
- (D) Neptune
15. Black hole is a hypothetical region in space having tremendously high gravitational pull. Which one of the following also refers to black holes?
- (A) Holes occuring in heavenly bodies.
- (B) Black spots on the sun.
- (C) Collapsing object of very high density.
- (D) Craters on the moon.
16. Which planet of our solar system has the highest density or is the densest?
- (A) Earth
- (B) Pluto
- (C) Jupiter
- (D) Venus
17. Red Shift experiments have shown that the Universe is expanding. Name the scientist who first provided evidence for the expansion of the Universe.
- (A) William Muggins
- (B) Edwin P. Hubbel
- (C) Henry Russel
- (D) George Gamow
18. Which planet of our solar system has maximum number of moons?
- (A) Saturn
- (B) Jupiter
- (C) Venus
- (D) Earth
19. Which planet of our solar system takes 687 days to go once around the sun?
- (A) Mercury
- (B) Pluto
- (C) Mars
- (D) Neptune
20. Name the nearest regular galaxy to our Milky Way.
- (A) NGC185
- (B) Small Magellanic Cloud
- (C) Large Magellanic Cloud
- (D) Andromeda
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