Wednesday 28 September 2016

Math Quiz

Math Quiz

Quantitative Ability multiple choice questions (MCQs) Post-5. The following Quantitative Ability questions are from square root.

    Question 1

    What is the least positive integer which is to be added to 57592910 so that the sum may be a perfect square?

    Question 1: The correct answer is Answer 3: 11.


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    Question 2

    A rectangular field which is twice as long as it is broad, has an area of 14450 m2, what is its perimeter?

    Question 2: The correct answer is Answer 2: 510 m.


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    Question 3

    The cost of the planting sugarcane at the rate of 6 paisa per square meter is Rs. 5840.64. What is the length of side of this square field:

    Question 3: The correct answer is Answer 1: 312 m.


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    Question 4

    What is the smallest number which when subtracted from 1.00060219 gives a perfect square number?

    Question 4: The correct answer is Answer 3: 0.00000210.


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    Question 6

    The size of the square which can be made using 256 square shapes with a side length of 6 cm is:

    Question 6: The correct answer is Answer 4: 96 cm.


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    Question 7

    An instructor having 9224 students under him, arranges them into a square and finds 8 students to be excess. What is the number of students in the front row?

    Question 7: The correct answer is Answer 4: 96.


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    Question 9

    A rectangular field which is 10 times as long as its breadth has an area of 75690 sq m. What is its perimeter?

    Question 9: The correct answer is Answer 3: 1914 m.


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    Question 10

    A square lawn having area 0.25 sq km has to be enclosed with iron railings at the rate of Rs. 10100 per meter. What will be its cost?

    Question 10: The correct answer is Answer 3: Rs. 202000.


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