Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Science MCQs

1. Physics is one of the oldest physical sciences previously known as Natural Philosophy. Physics is a science of measurements dealing with properties of matter and energy. Who got the first Nobel Prize in Physics?

  • (A) P. Zeeman
  • (B) W.C. Roentgen
  • (C) W.H. Bragg
  • (D) E. Fermi

2. The subject of Physics is classified into various Sub-disciplines. "Which one of the following is the most developed branch of physics now-a-days?

  • (A) Spectroscopy
  • (B) Nuclear Physics
  • (C) Quantum Mechanics
  • (D) Electronics

3. The microscope is an instrument for producing enlarged images of objects that are too small to be seen by the eye unaided. Microscope may be simple or compound. But the most modern version of microscope is the Electron Microscope. Who built it first?

  • (A) Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
  • (B) H. Binning
  • (C) Robert Millikan
  • (D) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

4. Galileo made the first ever astronomical telescope some 400 years ago. The Rubble Space Telescope is the greatest scientific achievement of the 20th century it is the most modern version of telescopes. When was the Hubble Space Telescope launched by NASA into the Earth's orbit?

  • (A) April 10, 1990
  • (B) March 10, 1990
  • (C) May 10, 1990
  • (D) June 10, 1990

5. Who detected the radio-waves first?

  • (A) Nicole Tesla
  • (B) Heinrich Hertz
  • (C) Perkin
  • (D) J.C. Maxwell

6. Who discovered Artifical Radioactivity?

  • (A) Henri Becquerel
  • (B) Pierre Curie
  • (C) Marie Curie
  • (D) Frederic Joliet-Curie

7. Name the woman scientist who won the Nobel Prize twice.

  • (A) Marie Curie
  • (B) Dorothy Hodgkins
  • (C) Tony Morrison
  • (D) Barbar Maclintock

8. One important element found in the nuclear waste is Plutonium. What is its half-life?

  • (A) 200 days
  • (B) 100 years
  • (C) 2000 years
  • (D) 24,000 years

9. Name the most fundamental basic constituents of matter according to the latest experiments made available?

  • (A) Electrons and Protons
  • (B) Protons and Neutrons
  • (C) Fermions and Bosons
  • (D) Electron and Neutrons

10. Until recently protons and neutrons were thought to be fundamental particles of matter but not any longer. It is now established that protons and neutrons are composed of Quarks. Which of the following information is correct in this connection?

  • (A) A proton is composed of two up quarks and one down quark
  • (B) A neutron is composed of one up quark and two down quarks
  • (C) Quarks are observed to carry a fraction +2/3 or -1/3 of the electric charge of the proton.
  • (D) All the above are correct.

11. There are mainly four types of forces found in nature namely; Strong forces, Gravitational forces, Electromagnetic forces and Weak forces. Name the basic particles that mediate these four forces.

  • (A) Bosons
  • (B) Means
  • (C) Neutrinos
  • (D) Protons

12. Electrons are negatively charged particles and are essential part of all atoms. Electrons continue to remain indivisible up til now. All experiments have failed to resolve them further. Electrons belong to which class of particles?

  • (A) Quarks
  • (B) Leptons
  • (C) Hadrons
  • (D) Fermions

13. The Pakistani physicist Dr.Abdus Salam shared Prize with Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow for his contributions in the exploration of Nature basic forces in which year he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics?

  • (A) 1977
  • (B) 1979
  • (C) 1978
  • (D) 1980

14. Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) was Pakistan's first nuclear power plant set up at Karachi, now it is to be decommissioned soon. Second nuclear power plant is in the process of making at Chasma. Chinese and Pakistani teams of engineers and workers are busy working for the Chasma. Nuclear Power Plant (CHASHNUPP) which is situated at about 160 Km north-east of Islamabad in the Mianwali District What is the energy capacity of this plant?

  • (A) 50 Megawatt
  • (B) 100 Megawatt
  • (C) 200 Megawatt
  • (D) 300 Megawatt

15. What is the total capacity of Karachi Nuclear Power Plant?

  • (A) 125 Megawatt
  • (B) 200 Megawatt
  • (C) 50 Megawatt
  • (D) 100 Megawatt

16. Which one of the following nuclear fuels is now more commonly used in the nuclear reactors?

  • (A) Uranium
  • (B) Plutonium
  • (C) Thorium
  • (D) Lithium

17. The Hub Power Project in Pakistan is sponsored by Xenel of Saudi Arabia and a host of other multinationals. It is one of the biggest power projects in Asia and is considered to be a trial blazer for other private project in the region. About how much energy would be produced by this project?

  • (A) 300 Megawatt
  • (B) 600 Megawatt
  • (C) 900 Megawatt
  • (D) 4200 Megawatt

18. Which one of the following fuels is used in a modem submarine?

  • (A) Nuclear fuel
  • (B) Petrol
  • (C) Diesel
  • (D) Coal

19. Which one of the following fuels is most likely to be employed as major fuel in the near future?

  • (A) Wood
  • (B) Diesel
  • (C) Methane
  • (D) Hydrogen

20. Which country in the world is the biggest consumer of energy?

  • (A) U.S.A
  • (B) Russia
  • (C) Canada
  • (D) France


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