Friday, 10 March 2017

Use This Guide to See If The CIA Can Hack You

WikiLeaks, the organization that is famous for revealing confidential information and classified material from anonymous sources, recently announced that the CIA had a large number of spy tools that would be used to hack into computers and mobile devices and even some televisions.

These amounts of spying can literally make your electronic equipment become recorder of your everyday conversation and routine.

The CIA has gone as far trying to hack into small routers installed by PTCL. Do not believe us? See the picture below for yourself!

"Am I vulnerable?"

You can ask again and again this question after hearing the news. Clearly, CIA hacking knows no bounds. For those of you who are not yet sure whether or not you are vulnerable to getting hacked, read some of the indicators below to decide.

Read More: The CIA can read your WhatsApp messages and more: WikiLeaks

1. You are reading this article

The fact that you are reading this article means that you are connected to the Internet and actually using some sort of device, be it a mobile phone, tablet or PC.

2. You use a mobile device

Using a mobile device automatically and instantly make you vulnerable to hackers and online distribution of your private and confidential data.

3. Mobile phones manufactured after 2003

In the unfortunate case that you use a mobile phone that is manufactured after 2003, you are affected. To find out if a mobile phone made after 2003, just Google the sentence and click on one of the links. If your phone appears, then bad luck, you are vulnerable.

Read More: Apple, Samsung is determined to correct defects after CIA hacking report

4. Wi-Fi laptops

When buying a laptop or you already using one, be sure to check out the data sheet for a feature called "Wi-Fi". Wi-Fi is basically a wireless Internet connection for your laptop and mobile phones. If your laptop comes with this unique feature, that means you are vulnerable. To counter this problem, it is recommended that you use an Ethernet cable because of which you will not need to use Wi-Fi.

5. Affected Area

Of course, all areas are not affected by the CIA hacking. However, just to be sure, you can check the image of the Earth and see if you live in the affected area or not.

6. Not everyone is affected!

With the news about the CIA hacking going around the above indicators present, everyone thinks they are vulnerable to getting hacked. However, this is not the case. Not everyone is affected. If you were born at any time in 2018 or later, you are certainly not affected!

Source: Maddox, WikiLeaks


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